The Original Soap Lift Saver
- Don’t let your soap turn into muck! Soap Lift® is made of a multi-directional bioplastic that allows water to drain and air to circulate.
- They can be used in soap dishes, on shower shelves, or on counter tops.
- Cleans remarkably well by simply holding it under running water and giving it a few squeezes.
- Approx. size: 2.75″ x 4.25″.
(Note: soaps not included)
If you ask the owners where this idea came from, they will laugh.  Frustrated with his wife’s complaining about his bar soap leaving soap scum all over the shower, Bill cobbled together a self draining pad to stick underneath it and voila the Soap Lift was born! The one and only Soap Lift sat in their shower for a year until a family member asked for one, then friends started asking and they realized they had something worth sharing. Many prototypes later and countless trials of different materials they finally found the perfect combination.  Cutting them by hand out of their garage and working farmers markets slowly evolved to what Sea Lark Enterprises is today, a small business dedicated to giving back to the community that supported them from the very beginning.